Saturday, October 06, 2007

the run.

so, hey, guess what? i did it! i ran the AIDS Walk 5K today!

my time, as promised - no snickering, please - 33:30.

not bad for a girl who was puking two days earlier, right? at least that's what i tell myself. plus, i am generally pretty slow, so it's within the realm i probably would have run regardless. but i ran from start to finish - i didn't walk once. mission accomplished.

to everyone who donated in support of my run today, thank you - i was truly amazed by the contributions that came in from all over the country, from blog friends and IRL friends and family alike. i ended up raising $625 for the whitman-walker clinic! you all helped me get way past my goal of $500 (which i thought was a stretch, honestly!) and i am really touched by how many people took the time and effort to support me. i was thinking of you all today as i pushed through that last half mile (on a slight incline, no less - those race planners are total bitches) and how amazingly fantastically fabulous you all are.

so, what's next? a 10K? the army ten-miler?? or perhaps, a glass of champagne and a trip out to dinner with some of my favorite people. yes, i think that is for certain.


Anonymous said...

Um, if I ever ran 5K in 33 minutes, I would be so outrageously proud of myself and probably be bragging to everyone. So good for you!

Toast said...

my time, as promised - no snickering, please - 33:30.

Hey, that's... a little faster than my walking pace!


Great job, kate. Now go celebrate with lots and lots of empty calories.

Kate said...

WOW! That's so fantastic kate.d! Congratulations, especially considering the puking!