Friday, February 02, 2007

friday cat blogging, guest animal edition.

i just get further and further afield with each passing week, don't i?

roni had this photo from the brookfield, illinois zoo up earlier in the week, and i feel like i must share it going into superbowl weekend:

if you're inclined towards such amusing pictures of a city gone slightly mad, check out the tribune's photo gallery of chicago gearing up for the superbowl (they have no direct link to the photo gallery, but from the main page just click on the "around the city" photo gallery). there's giant helmets on the lions outside the art institute, a few great team spirit skyline shots, and many a blue and orange frosted cupcake.

BoyCat and i will be watching the game from the seclusion of our little apartment; he has decided he prefers to watch the game unfold - for better or for worse - from the comfort of his own couch. and that way, if he actually ends up spending the last quarter and a half curled up in the fetal position on the floor instead of seated on said couch, no one will be the wiser. well, except me, but i've seen him do way more embarrassing shit than that, so it really doesn't matter. ok, well maybe not - but there was a whiskey-related kitchen counter incident in grad school that probably comes close.

ok, regardless, back to the point - the game. the game is the point of the whole weekend (as BoyCat whined earlier today, "pre-game doesn't even start til noon!" i pointed out that that was six and a half hours of pre-game, but he was still not satisfied). we're staying home, eating deep dish pizza, drinking beer, and bearing down for the chicago bears. i hope that whatever you all have planned on sunday, you join us in the bearing down part.

go bears!


Anonymous said...


kate.d. said...

toast. please. you're fouling up my comment thread with the stench of indianapolis.


Anonymous said...

Kate, Peyton wrote a song for you:

LET'S GO grant writers LET'S GO!
(clap, clap)
LET'S GO grant writers LET'S GO!
(clap, clap)

kate.d. said...

ok, that did just make me laugh.

but i still hate him.

Anonymous said...

upon reading your comments thread Peyton Manning was inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame for his amazing talent as a songwriter. Sports writers all over the country are upgrading him from Football Jesus to, simply, Jesus. Also now that he has won the superbowl the entirety of next season has been canceled and for each week of the regular season there will instead be a show praising his throwing arm. We will also have a by-week, likely in September, so we call all love Peyton in the privacy of our own homes.