Wednesday, November 29, 2006

still fingers.

i opened this "new post " screen, and my fingers just sat on the keys. i typed a paragraph and a half about something that didn't need saying; i deleted it.

truth be told, i don't have much right now. i want to have something - i'm starting to realize i'm going to need to work a little harder at it in order to have something on such a regular basis. and that's well and good, because i should be writing more, even when i don't want to. nobody wants to write all the time, but all good writers often make themselves do it anyway. and i don't want to give up on being a good writer.

but i don't have anything now. anything except a tired head and slow fingers. i should write anyway, but not today.

ah the joy of goals - they can always begin tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

i typed a paragraph and a half about something that didn't need saying

If people restricted themselves to things that "needed" to be said, there would be no blogosphere.

Hey, want a tip? (Come on, you know you do.) Regular features. Pick a day, pick a recurring post topic, and try to put it out there every week. Keeps the juices flowing.

The Disgruntled Chemist said...

If people restricted themselves to things that "needed" to be said, there would be no blogosphere.

Heh. My blog wouldn't exist, that's for sure.

Regular features.

Good advice. My blog was nothing but beer blogging posts there for a while. Of course, it helps that I love beer more than I love most people, and never get tired of writing about it even when everything else seems really boring.

Geez, that sounded kinda pathetic, huh? Talk about your things that don't need saying....

Anonymous said...

Geez, that sounded kinda pathetic, huh?

Hell no. Beer is a higher life form and you should be proud to serve it. After all, humans are just Beer's way of making more beer.