Friday, September 15, 2006

ok! ok? ok.

it is almost the weekend, so i am just going to talk about all the productive things that got accomplished this week. because it will make me feel good. and feeling good on the weekend is an ideal situation.

so, what have BoyCat and i gotten done this week?

- we got an apartment (holy crap i still almost can't believe it)
- we booked movers on both ends of the chicago-DC journey to load and unload the uhaul
-we canceled the cable, internet, phone, and gas accounts
- we got the cat to the vet and got her some kitty tranquilizers for the long trip
- we took our big gangly down comforter to be dry cleaned
- we bought packing supplies
- we packed10 boxes of stuff (smallish boxes, but still!)

not bad, not bad! the apartment is actually starting to look like people are actually moving out of it sometime in the near future, and we're putting pieces into place to make sure the move itself goes smoothly.

well, who are we kidding, moves never go smoothly, but at least we have paid people to help us and we have somewhere to move *to*! which, for me, is good enough for now.

we are off to the pseudo-cats-in-laws this weekend to round up our errant clutter there, and to have one more dinner at the delicious pan-asian place near their house.

it's scary when you really start having to get going on your "just one more..." list! but i've got two weeks, and i plan to make the most of them in that regard. (and by "in that regard," i mainly mean food. the pan-asian place, the thai place around the corner, the mexican place around the corner, the beef shack with the delicious corndogs down the street...)

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