first, he hit the slots.

his excited posturing belies the fact that he lost his life savings in 30 minutes.

so he went up to his room to look at the view and drown his sorrows. (it's vodka neat, in case you were wondering.)

feeling a bit better, wally ventured down to the pool for some sun, and some more liquid therapy.

wally really does need to learn his limits. lucky for him, "what happens in vegas stays in vegas," right?

except that now it's all on this blog, for the whole wide world to see.
poor wally.
poor wally.
I heart Wally. He was an excellent travel companion.
So this explains the drunken phone call I received last wednesday, all like, "listennnnup, i'm not really a monsterrr, garble garble, amstel light tastes like pee..."
Sure, I love the guy, but what a lush.
These days, Wally's not only drowning his sorrows because he lost all his loot in Vegas. He's also hitting the bottle hard because his beloved team is sucking the bag!! I can hardly stand to look at them anymore!! How does a team go down such a shame spiral? You know the old expression "Wait til next year."
Just be glad you're in Chicago and don't have to read the Globe or the Herald ripping into them. What's even worse is I'm going to the game on Thursday!! Think I'm going to wear a brown bag over my head!!
hahaha! Wally & Poohbear should hit the road together.
roni, i'm seeing a "thelma and louise" theme for that particular roadtrip pictorial...
convertibles, honky-tonk bars, blown-up tractor'd be fun!
How does CatCat feel about you devoting an entire post to Wally? Poor CatCat...
Very nice post Kate.D. :)
OMG this is freaking FANTASTIC. RemDog would be proud :)
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