Sunday, May 21, 2006

ozzie guillen makes me laugh.

i'm sure you've all heard about the brawl in game two of this week's cubs v. sox series. and while i'm not generally a fan of violence as entertainment, i make an exception for baseball brawls. i don't know why i enjoy them so much, or whether i can put together an ideologically consistent argument as to why that's ok, but i'll leave that for another day. for now, here's a reason why chicago baseball is just so damn fun to follow:

Cubs pitcher Rich Hill: "I think it was pretty gutless on their part - [Pierzynski] hitting Michael when he didn't even have the ball. That's not how you play the game. If he had the ball and he hits him, that's fine, that's how you play it. But you don't go around just running over catchers. What if he injured him and he didn't have the ball? That's not the way you play the game...It was pathetic."

Sox manager Ozzie Guillen, on the above comment: Tell that Triple A [bleep] to shut the [bleep] up. Tell him to start throwing some strikes or he's going to get Dusty fired."

i imagine we can all fill in the [bleeps] for ourselves....


Anonymous said...

Damn, so that's why the Cubs catcher was so upset??? Pierzynski hit him when he didn't have the ball? Huh.

What a punch though. I don't think I've ever seen an athlete cold-cock someone like that. Usually it's all pushing and shoving and crap.

Roni said...

hahaha!!!!!! Oh, liil Rich Hill. I bet the Cubs PR staff has a meeting with him very soon.