Monday, May 22, 2006

i'm not mad, just disappointed.

i expected more from you, BC.

Ovation, Polite Protest Greet Rice at Boston College

About 50 students stood with their backs toward the stage as Rice was introduced to give her commencement speech, but they were quickly drowned out by a standing ovation. A half-dozen signs that said "Not in my name" were held in the air by students, who sat down by the time Rice started to speak.

fifty? a half-dozen? jesus. the rabble-rousing youth of america, ladies and gentlemen.

1 comment:

somewaterytart said...

I definitely would have been one of the fifty, but hell yeah, I would have done more.


I bought a copy of Walden last night, and I was thinking, wow, THIS guy was an American. We don't all have to be uninspired clones...