Wednesday, April 12, 2006

fun boston bloggers.

i am still woefully underprepared for the task of writing an interesting post without the help of links. so, i will take this opportunity to share some good blogs with my boston (and boston-o-phile) readers.

if you check out the end of my blogroll, you'll see three links to three funny, crazy, and all around enjoyable bostonistas - sarah at The Pink Shoe Diaries, jenny at all eyes on jenny, and erin at thisiht (this shit).

(i wondered for a nanosecond about putting the word "shit" in my blogroll, but then i was like, shit, i say fuck on here all the time.)

i found them all through each other's blogrolls, and these ladies are always good for a laugh, a fashion tip, or a ridiculous story. so grab a drink, click over, and check 'em out.


Anonymous said...

don't I count as a somewhat Boston blogger? I mean...I'm a Boston Red Sox freak...and I'm from MAINE dammit!!!

kate.d. said...

indeed you do, but you've been on my blogroll for ages :) these are new additions...

e$ said...

thanks, there! I saw all these visitors on my statcounter and was so glad that they weren't spam-bots!!

Sarah said...

thanks girl!!! ;-)

artdetective said...

I never thanked you for already putting me on your, more thank yous from Boston!