black and brown. together. on the cover of the field's weekly. breaking of a cardinal fashion rule, or evidence that i have no idea what i'm talking about when it come to clothing? discuss.
because i'm never going to write the great american novel. damn that f. scott fitzgerald.
holy crap--- i made a little note in pen on my hand to email you about this very issue. We definitely live on the similar pages.
This weekend on an episode of What Not to Wear, Stacey London announced that black matches exquisitely well with caramel and chocolate shades, especiallytweed. And then yesterday I noticed a woman wearing brown tweed knickers with black boots and it looked fantastic. I've alway been a big fan of caramel or mocha with black, and I'm glad to see chocolate in the mix now.
The rule of thumb is this: if it is brown and you can eat its name, then you can wear it with black.
see, i draw the line at chocolate. caramel and black? ok. chocolate and black? offends my sensibilities.
i find these developments deeply, deeply troubling!
I have no fashion sense, so I can't really comment. Esp since when I heard that leggings are back, I let out a yippee!!
Whoo. Thanks Marshall Fields and What Not To Wear. I've been thinking that Brown and Black are OK (in certain situations...perhaps only edible brown ;-) ) for a while, but I was afraid to say anything for fear of your wrath, and more importantly, Lola's wrath.
Now I can rest easy!!
Oh do not rest so easily yet, Michael...I am fuming over such ridiculousness. Yes, I can get behind carmel, maybe even mocha, with black. But, I too, draw the line at chocolate. I don't give a damn what Marshall Fields or Stacy London has to say...It looks bad. I make my own rules, and I say that black and dark brown are UGLY together. And I am happy to know that at least one other person (this would be you Kate) follows my made up fashion rules.
my made up fashion rules
now you tell me??? :)
I think brown and black are ok as long as they are not accessories. Just say NO to brown belt with black shoes and vice versa. It is one of two fashion rules I live by in my jeans and t-shirt existance. I just bought a brown and black skirt and oddly enough, am wearing a brown t-shirt with a black cardigan as I type this.
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