Monday, October 31, 2005

if this is just monday, i don't want to know about the rest of the week.

i was going to post about victimhood during my lunchbreak, but things got insane and now i don't have time. perhaps tomorrow, post nonprofitland board meeting (which is why i wouldn't be able to post on it tonight either). for now, i'd just like to note that today sucks at an insanely high frequency. the day's suckiness challenges all previous levels of suckiness ever recorded - this could be one for the almanac.

really, i guess it's not that bad (as jayne pointed out, i could be a trashwoman...though BoyCat pointed out, then i'd be paid better). but learning that georgie nominated civil-rights-rampaging Alito to the supreme court, then blowing a fuse in my apartment while attempting to dry my hair, then arriving to an office that still smells like cat pee (don't ask, cuz i don't know) is still pretty high on the sucky meter.

i am obviously the most upset about the Alito nomination. anything that i can say about it has already been said in blogland a hundred times already by now, so i guess i'll save my breath. but i think it's interesting in terms of the anger stuff from my previous posts - this makes me really angry! outraged! incensed! i'm not surprised by any means - i pretty much knew it was game, set, match on reproductive rights on November 3rd - but it still makes my brain quiver a bit from the unfairness of it all. i don't know how to not be angry about these things, or how to not let the accumulation of all the little and big injustices continue to fuel that anger. how can i not be angry every day, with insults like this nomination?

i am angry. very angry. luckily i'm genetically pre-disposed to low blood pressure, so at least i've got that working for me.

1 comment:

kate.d. said...

that is the $64,000 question, right? channeling anger effectively...that is complicated, i think, by cultural perceptions of anger.

that, and the fact that anger can sometimes make you blow a gasket, no matter how effective you try to be about it!