Friday, September 23, 2005

the whole chicken little thing never gets old.

perusing Yahoo! news today, I came across this little gem about why the apocolypse is upon us, i.e. men have it tough these days.

i, shockingly, have a hard time reading articles like this one with a straight face.

"Today, visitors to college campuses can't help but ask: Where are the boys?"

um, they're all around you. they still comprise 45-50% of college campus populations, as far as i know. i just got out of graduate school fairely recently, and there was no shortage of guys wandering around. this is ominious? christina hoff sommers, are you moonlighting as a USA Today reporter these days?

the ruminating on the potential cause of this huge lack of frat boys is even better.

"Some say female teachers in elementary and middle schools, where male teachers are scarce, naturally enforce a girl-friendly environment that rewards students who can sit quietly — not a strong point for many boys, who earn poor grades and fall behind."

as if we haven't had predominately female teachers in elementary and middle schools since time immemorial. this "crisis" of boys' education has only been documented in the last 20 years or so. what gives there, huh? must be that all female teachers have decided, through their magic teacherly collective unconscious (powered by their collective 'female intuition' of course), to start ignoring boys just over the last two decades. it's a conspiracy! down with the white-haired ladies in flower-printed dresses! the end of society as we know it is nigh.

thank goodness Kim Gandy is around to set things straight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to offer my two cents on this topic. While I don't think there is any "shortage" of male college students, I do believe that our respective gender identities are coraling us into gender specific departments. I have no hard evidence of this theory, but as a student of literature, I definitely noticed a gender inequity in writing and literature classes. In our graduate program at BC, there were what, 4 guys out of a total of 40 students? I'm guessing all the boys were over in the business and science dept. Girls do art. Boys do math.