Tuesday, September 27, 2005

seven things.

stealing from other bloggers (particularly hugo and amanda). it's late, and i'm pondering the direction of my life anyway, so this couldn't hurt.

seven things i plan to do before i die:

1. see the taj mahal
2. see yeats's grave
3. publish something...anything...
4. own a condo
5. put my toes in the pacific
6. read "the feminine mystique"
7. paint a room red

seven things i can do:

1. write a grant
2. feed the cat
3. make BoyCat laugh (if i'm really on that day)
4. decipher many types of theoretical academic jargon (a mostly useless skill)
5. tap dance a triple time step
6. crack my own back
7. convince you that "noel" is, bar none, the best episode of The West Wing ever.

seven things i can't do:

1. tan
2. fully conquer my fear of flying
3. a split
4. put up with poorly reasoned arguments
5. resist a sunday afternoon of watching E! every now and again
6. stop biting my fingernails
7. fully believe or disbelieve in god

seven things that attract me to people:

1. a dry sense of humor
2. good teeth
3. a quick wit
4. compassion
5. a liberal political viewpoint
6. an infectious laugh
7. a large head (preferably with skull cap)

seven things i say most(correct me if i'm missing anything glaring here, people):

1. whatnot
2. christ on a crutch
3. are you serious?
4. that's ridiculous
5. huh? (in response to BoyCat's predisposition to mumbling)
6. you are such a sweet girl (to CatCat, 246 times a day)
7. a variety of curse words

seven celebrity crushes (apparently some bloggers are hesitant to reveal such information, but not i - see aformentioned E! viewing):

1. jacob dylan (i haven't even seen a picture of him in years, but still love him.)
2. chad michael murray (c'mon admit it, he is fricking cute. bonus points for when he was playing tristan on gilmore girls).
3. parker posey
4. harold reynolds (baseball tonight. that man always looks good in a suit.)
5. jenny lewis
6. adam brody
7. john stewart

ok, that didn't really do a lot for my life direction issues, but it did kill half an hour. and it made me realize that number 2 on my list of things that i can't do is problematic for my numbers 1, 2, and 5 on my list of things to do before i die. i should work on that.


Anonymous said...

I like when you write things about yourself. I feel like I am getting to know you. Like we are sisters or something...

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha...I am your online stalker. I did like reading about you though.