Thursday, September 29, 2005

i'm behind.

now that i have a blog, i feel like my 9-5 job is just one big inconvienence that gets in the way of blogging. not in the sense that i'm very good at it, but that i could be if i didn't have to sit at this desk for 8 hours a day. because you know, there are SO MANY interesting conversations happening out there in blogland - they're talking about proposition 73 in california (parental notification for minors who seek an abortion), they're talking about segregation in schools, they're talking about the wingnuts who want to ban a potential hpv vaccine because it might encourage kids to have sex. the dino has an interesting perspective on the media's coverage of the latter story, and there's so much more i could say about it (which, in so many words, would pretty much amount to "fucking idiots"). but alas, i will be home in the land of gay marriage and baked beans this weekend, so i won't be able to grace you with my perspective on why the world is going to hell in a handbasket.

there will be, of course, more on that later.

i realize that i am even already behind in topics that i have already committed to talking about! eesh. well, kittens, i did lie about one thing - i actually have nothing whatsoever to say about britney spears' offspring. it could be named cujo for all i care.

hopefully some thoughts on benjamin kunkel and the (re-)rise of the postmodern magazine during lunch. i can't yet decide if i kinda like the guy, or if he's a trust-fund baby blowhard. working on it.

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