Tuesday, August 15, 2006

proof that those "born today" horoscopes are total bunk.

from msn.com:

Women born on [August 15] are Ms. Houseproud...While August 15 is as ambitious as any other Leo day, these people may not devote themselves to big careers in big business. The women in particular want to have children and stay around to look after them, so part-time work will do. They have lovely musical voices, and anything to do with the telephone is just up their street.

ha, double ha, triple ha, quadruple ha. so many "ha"s, i don't know what to do with them all.


jayniek said...

oh come on, you know that horoscope is spot-on.



Anonymous said...

so THAT'S why I get such a "Good Housekeeping" vibe from your blog...

Julie (Lady J) said...

I've only been reading for a couple weeks now, and I can already tell that msn.com clearly knows nothing about you. Happy Birthday!!

educand - said...

LMAO! Well, happy birthday anyway, Little Mary Homemaker.