Friday, April 21, 2006

thought-provoking sentence of the day.

courtesty of la twisty:

sex isn’t just sex, it’s the eroticization of a culturally enforced power differential.


Anonymous said...

See? THAT is Feminism.

kate.d. said...

toast, i've had a strikingly bad day, so i can't even respond to a statement like "THAT is Feminism." especially when on this blog not four days ago i noted that there's no such thing.

unless you're making a joke here. in which case - ha.

i need some vodka and a glass. oh, and some ice. ice would be great.

Anonymous said...

unless you're making a joke here. in which case - ha.

I was being snarky, yes. Didn't mean to aggravate you.

Go forth and drink.

Anonymous said...

Although, seriously? That's exactly the sort of quote I think of when I think of feminism. So I was being snarky in the sense of deliberately irksome, but also serious in the sense of, hey, that's an example of the sort of feminist thinking I was trying to refer to the other day. But, please, ignore the serious part. No, really, I insist. Friday afternoon is no time for serious.

kate.d. said...

i will be drinking, and how, and soon.

and i have more on this, which i'll do's partially my fault for posting the thought totally out of context. because i actually don't think it's crazy, in a cultural analysis sense. i know it's a bit academic lingo-istic, but hey, i'm only a few years out of grad school, so this jibber-jabber makes sense to me.

but it can wait. one more meeting, and then a seriousness-free friday evening...

Anonymous said...

i know it's a bit academic lingo-istic, but hey, i'm only a few years out of grad school, so this jibber-jabber makes sense to me.

It makes sense to me too. The crowd I ran with in grad school was *way* into this sort of thing.

BTW, if you were in the Eastern Time Zone, you'd be drinking by now.