Friday, November 18, 2005

pssst. you. yeah, you.

both jill at Feministe and amanda at Pandagon have posts up about a new NYC based blog, "Holla Back," that deals with street harassment. the posts are pretty basic, but it's the comment threads where the discussion gets really interesting. i highly recommend checking them both out, as i think this is a conversation we need to have, and keep having, and keep having, because i am sickened by the thought that we'll all just give up and decide to let street harassment slide.

for those of you who don't think street harassment could possibly be as big of a deal as it's made out to be, take a minute and talk to your female friends. especially the ones who live in a city, but really, female friends who live in a college town, upper middle-class suburbia, or ruralville USA will be fine as well. women deal with this, period. it's a pervasive problem, and while it's not the end of the world, it does change our world, so it deserves to be talked about.

more on this later, when i have time to reflect on it all. for now, though, it's time for a stiff drink and a netflix movie.

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