Wednesday, November 16, 2005

happy birthday, SisterCat!

just in case you weren't aware, today marks the 24th anniversary of the glorious day my sister graced us with her presence in the world. this is a day of reverence and genuflection in the Cat household(s), so from Chicago i must sing SisterCat's birthday praises.

- she is funny - cramp-inducing, soda-spitting, giving-you-the-hiccups funny.
- she is the kind of pretty that has given her plenty of practice cutting men down with a look.
- because of said prettiness, she taught me much about carrying myself on the street to convey "don't fuck with me" via body language.
- she let me wear her clothes in college.
- she comes up with tasty drinks like sparkling water and cranberry juice for when she doesn't have wine in the house.
- she gives her opinion to you straight, with no bullshit and no filler.
- she did my makeup for the prom.
- she makes up songs about me.
- she is going to be my meal ticket someday - i'm going to devote 6 months of my life to following her around and documenting everything that she says and does, and then i'm going to write a best-selling novel with the results.

oh, and she's kinda like my best friend too.

so happy birthday, you ugly wench. i love you and miss you.


Anonymous said...

the birthday note to your sister was a classic piece of lit. and, it juxtaposes so nicely with the chandlier story. also glad to hear the "meal ticket/retirement fund" novel is back on the front burner!
the pride feasted at kruegers then retired to sister's lair, where she donned the tiara, opened gifts, read the note and purred loudly. Pics to follow.

Anonymous said...

SisterCat loves this post. She is going to frame it ad hang it on the wall. Thanks buttface.