Thursday, October 20, 2005

turns out republican fears are right, she does have balls.

so apparently harriet miers can't be bothered by trivial little things like senators' routine questionnaire for potential SCOTUS appointees. filling out this questionnaire is necessary for things appointed to the supreme court, but apparently harriet missed that particular memo. instead of filling it out, she decided to half-ass her way through it. the senate judiciary committee, as you can imagine, was not very pleased.

Pam at Pandagon has some great excerpted non-answers from the questionnaire, but my personal favorite is from the Tribune this morning:

She just said "no" when asked to provide copies of all communications between administration officials and outside groups seeking assurances on her conservative bona fides.

"no"? i'm sorry, but are you fucking kidding me?? this is not second grade, harriet, and i'm not just asking if i can play with your My Little Pony (or your EZ Bake Oven, or whatever it was you prized in second grade). these are senators in the united states goverment, and even though they phrased it as a question, guess what - it's not really a question. it's a requirement. you don't get to tell them "no" any more than i get to tell Uncle Sam no when he "asks" for my taxes.

harriet and our Little Prince president are seeming more and more alike everyday.

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