Wednesday, October 12, 2005

certainly give me a chill.

Media Girl digs up this AP article about the rising number of reservist deaths in Iraq. she calls it "the chill of the back-door draft," and i feel it. one of BoyCat's best friends has done a tour in Okinawa and a tour in western Iraq since the beginning of the war. he just arrived back home two weeks ago, but he could be sent back to Iraq in as little as ten months for a third tour of duty. he joined the reserves to earn money for college and to serve his country. he doesn't utter a word of complaint about having to serve, even though he doesn't agree with the war he is being forced to wage. he sees it as his sworn duty, and he does it.

i, however, have complained about it and will continue to complain about it. i will complain about it loudly enough for the both of us. he has come back alive twice, after seing two-thirds of his platoon wounded or killed in action on the syrian border. can he come back alive three times as a reservist, as an un-fortunate son? i don't know. and i don't want to find out.

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