Monday, September 26, 2005


i have decided that i hate the word "chug." this is not really surprising, as my most hated word in the entire known universe is "chuck." take out the "ck," replace with "g"...yup, still hate it.

nobody should ever chug anything. there is really no good reason for it. even in the college drinking sense.

i also decided the other day that "syndicate" is a frightening word. more so than "mafia," or "mob," or "corporation," or even "conglomerate." You know, all those words are sort menacing in a boxy, hard-edged way. "syndicate" sounds elegant and soothing, but it actually implies something vast and powerful and slightly insidious. so i am officially frightened of syndicates.


Anonymous said...

Poor chuck and chug. What about chunk? I don't hate the word, but I do hate chunks of meat. With the fire of a thousand suns.

Anonymous said...

a)There was this beer that was sold at that billiards place in Northampton that had a picture of a black lab on the bottle, and according to his collar, his name was Chug. I always found that endearing, in a 12 step sort of way.
b) I initially read "syndicate" as a verb, like TV syndication, and I thought you had lost your mind, until I realized you meant like an all powerful "Syndicate!!", which I'll agree is scary.